Sun Salutation Yoga
The Greeting to the Sun (Surya Namaskars) is an ancient sequence of yoga positions, performed in the morning, at the time of sunrise, in order to better exploit the solar energy present at that moment.
It comes from the Sanskrit "surya" which means "sun", and "namaskara" which means "greeting".
The sequence is carried out in a complete way together with the help of prāṇāyāma (breathing exercises), mantra (vocal sounds), mudrā (symbolic gestures) and with particular attention to the chakras (energy centers of the human body)
The purpose of this sequence is initially the devotional one towards the sun. The sun (surya) has in fact since ancient times been identified as the one who generates life with its energetic rays that make man and nature flourish.
But the purpose is not only devotional and symbolic, it is also physical. In fact, the practice of sun salutation has the task of loosening, stretching and making the muscles flexible. Also Surya Namaskara massages the internal organs and widens the breathing. Yoga masters recommend always performing a "Greeting to the Sun" in the morning.
This healthy exercise will restore a sense of energy and well-being to your body throughout the day.
This application can come to your rescue, with a step-by-step guide to each pose and how to best achieve it.
1. Pranamasana - prayer position (exhale)
2. Hasta uttanasana - raised hand pose (inhalation)
3 Padahastasana - hand to foot pose (exhale)
4 Ashwa sanchalanasana - equestrian position (inhalation)
5 Adho mukha svanasana - backward facing dog pose (exhale)
6 Ashtanga namaskara - greeting with the eight limbs of the body (suspension)
7 Bhujangasana - snake or cobra pose (inhalation)
8 Adho mukha svanasana - backward facing dog pose (exhale)
9 Ashwa sanchalanasana - equestrian position (inhalation)
10 Padahastasana - hand to foot pose (exhale)
11 Hasta uttanasana - raised hand pose (inhale)
12 Pranamasana - prayer position (exhale)
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